Q1: What is Graphoanalysis (Handwriting Analysis)?


A: Handwriting analysis is the scientific study of personality based upon the way a person writes.   It is also called graphology. In Latin, The prefix, Graph means "to write" and the suffix ology means "the science of."


A person carries their true selves with them onto the paper. The strokes of a person’s writing tells the unique tale of who they are. Handwriting is an exercise in self-expression because whatever it is you feel and think at the exact moment of your pen touching the paper is registered in the stroke. Your handwriting is inexplicably a part of you, it comes out of you like a tree comes from its root or a branch comes from its trunk. The universal laws of growth, economy of living, balance, order and judgement can all be seen and applied to a handwriting sample.


Q2: What Does a Person’s Handwriting Reveal About Them?


A: A person’s handwriting reveals more than you might imagine.  


We are all three people

1. Who I think I am

2. Who others think I am

3. Who I really am


Our handwriting shows us who we really are. It reveals a person's inborn temperament (nature), the quality of care they received in early childhood (nurture). It also reveals a person's: Talents, Intelligence, Sex Drives, Motivations, Fears, Career strengths, Maturity level, Compatibility, and much, much more.    


Q3: Is There Anything That Handwriting Does Not Reveal?


A: Handwriting does not reveal five things.


A person age

A person's race

A person's handedness (which hand they write with)

A person's future.

A person's gender


Although you can use conjecture and  make educated guesses about a person's age, race, gender and handedness; however, as of yet, there is no scientific way to determine this. Handwriting does not tell a person's future in the sense of "fortune telling," however, it does reveal a person's potential.  And a well trained handwriting expert can point people in the right direction for greater self-development.  


Q4: Why is Handwriting Analysis So Accurate?


A: Handwriting analysis is where the conscious and subconscious mind meet. When you write, you use your conscious mind to think about the content.   However, on the unconscious level, you simply write, it is much like tying your shoes.  In other words, when writing you do not think to yourself, "Okay I am going to write this big and leave this much space between my words."  Therefore, the word handwriting is a misnomer; it should be called brain writing.  Dr. Wilhelm T. Preyer of Germany, a physiology professor, was the first person to accurately describe handwriting as "brain writing" in1895.


The neurological impulses directing how we write come from our brain, not our hand.  The hand is only the most convenient way to hold the writing implement. Since handwriting stems from the unconscious mind, it is the perfect tool for self-actualization and mastering the relationships you have with yourself and others.


The written movement is under direct influence of the central nervous system which comprises the brain, the cerebellum and the spinal liquid. The form of the written movement is not modified by the writing organ (hand, foot, mouth, etc).


Q5: Is Handwriting Analysis a Science or an Art?


A:  Science has been described as "The Search for Truth." Handwriting analysis meets the requirements of a science because it searches for and finds the true nature and character of a person. Even though it has been around for centuries, handwriting analysis has only recently been recognized as a science. In  the nineteenth century, two French priests, Abbe Flandrin and Abbe Michon, elevated handwriting analysis to the status of a science by establishing basic rules for determining specific characteristics. 


More recently, thanks to the efforts of  graphologist Rose Matousek,  The Library of Congress categorized handwritng analysis as a credible social science under the category of Individual Psychology (155-282) in 1980.  She helped change graphology's classification from Occult to three different listings: Diagnostic Graphology (155-282) Documentary Evidence (363-2565) and Selection of Personel by Mangement (658-3112).  


The artistic side of handwriting analysis is the interpretation (how you phrase your analysis) of the writing. One definition of art is, "Human effort that imitates the work of nature." A person’s handwriting is an artistic expression of themselves and therefore by definition it is in touch with nature and is considered an art.


Q6: Can You Analyze the Writing of People Who Print?


A: Many handwriting analysts feel that it is too difficult to analyze printed writing. Nothing could be further from the truth. You analyze the writing of a person who prints the same way you analyze the writing of a person who writes cursive.  However, a cursive sample of writing is preferred over a printed one because cursive writing has many upstrokes and upstrokes in writing represent the subconscious mind. Print writing consists of mainly downstrokes and downstrokes in handwriting represent the conscious mind.


Q7: How Long Does it Take to Become an Expert at Handwriting Analysis?


A: Unfortunately, there are many charlatans out there who promise to teach you to become a handwriting expert in a matter of weeks; which is the sign of a false teacher.   You can learn the basics of handwriting in a relatively short period of time but to be an expert you need to invest time. Conventional wisdom says that it takes about two years of study with a well-trained teacher to be considered an expert. However, with my new Handwriting Analysis Certification Home Study Course, I have discovered a way to accelerate the learning process. 


Q8: How Long Has Handwriting Analysis Been Around?


A: Although, no one knows the exact origin of handwriting analysis, we do know that it has been around for centuries because it has been proven that the Ancient Egyptians held handwriting as sacred.  References to handwriting analysis date as far back as 4500 BC.  In fact, three hundred years before Christ, the philosopher, Aristotle, believed that a person's handwriting revealed their character.


In the Bible, the Apostle Paul, who wrote most of the New Testament, made a reference to his own handwriting when he said in the Book of  Galatians 6:11: "Ye see how large a letter I have written onto you with my own hand."  This is significant because the Apostle Luke (who was a Medical Doctor and wrote The Gospel of Luke) did much of Paul's scribeship because Paul had very bad eyesight.


It is a bit ironic that one of the greatest writers that ever lived, Shakespeare, took an interest in handwriting analysis.  He once said, "Give me the handwriting of a woman, and I will tell you her character." The Roman historian Suetonius, In 99 AD, made a skillful study of Emperor Augustus' personality from his handwriting.  The first known book ever printed about handwriting analysis was written by an Italian named Camilo Baldi in 1622 and was called "How to Understand the Habits and Qualities of the Writer From His Written Letters." The earliest known printed text is a Buddhist charm scroll that was written in 704 A.D.


Q9: Is it Possible for Two Handwritings to be Exactly Alike?


A: It is virtually impossible for any two handwritings to be exactly alike. They are like snowflakes. You have a better chance of winning the lottery than of finding two exact handwritings.  


Q10: I Write in Different Styles at Different Times. What Does That Mean?


A: It means you are human! Keep in mind that when describing people, you can not use the words always and never - people just aren't that consistent. Human beings are not robots; we are constantly growing and developing. Your handwriting may change depending upon your moods, energy levels, maturity, life experiences and any major crises, etc.  But your basic temperament remains the same from the cradle to the grave. Your temperament is the bedrock of your personality.


I often turn to a particular passage written by the Russian writer, Leo Tolstoy, to help answer this question.  He wrote, "Men are like rivers . . . every river narrows here, is more rapid there, here slower, there broader, now clear, now cold, now dull, now warm. It is the same with men. Every man carries within himself the germs of every human quality, and sometimes one manifests itself, sometimes another, and the man often becomes unlike himself, while still remaining the same man." So a person can write differently at different times but it does not change their basic character.


Q11: Can You Analyze a Person’s Signature?


A: A person’s signature can be analyzed, however, it should be analyzed in combination with the text. This is because people often practice their signature in order to give it a certain look.  Therefore, the signature indicates the "persona," or how he/she wants to be seen by the public. The text shows what a person is like in the home, hence what they are really like. 


Q12: My Handwriting is Illegible, What Does That Mean?


A: Illegible or messy handwriting can have a plethora of meanings. It could mean that a person is uneducated, inconsiderate and/or very intelligent.  You have to take into consideration the other traits in the writing to determine which interpretation applies.


Q13: How Easy is it to Forge Someone’s Signature?


A: Forging signatures can be easy or very difficult. The more illegible and scrawled the signature, the easier it is to forge. The clearer and more well expressed it is, the harder it will be to forge. If you want to rain on any forger's parade, the simply write your signature with speed, clarity and control.


Q14: Do all Professional Handwriting Experts Analyze Handwriting the Same Way?


A: No, some handwriting analysts are called Graphologists and others are called Graphoanalyst’s. Handwriting expert is a term that covers both of these aforementioned terms.


Graphologists take a gestalt oriented approach to analyzing handwriting.  This means that they take a global view of the writing by observing the Movement (speed) Form (the shape of your letters) and Space (the organization on the page). This is because a person’s state of being manifests itself in the handwriting through the movement, form and space of their writing.


MOVEMENT: Since movement takes energy, the way the writing moves indicates the writer’s level of vitality. 


FORM: How you form your letters shows the type of relationship your have with yourself. The form of your writing reveals the state of your ego and shows how comfortable you feel in your relationships with others. 


SPACE: How you organize your writing on the page shows how well you understand yourself (level of self-understanding & self-knowledge), the state of your intellect and how you operate in the world around you.


Graphoanalyst’s is basically the analysis of form only.  For example, they say that if you cross your T bar high on the stem, you have high self esteem. This could or could  not be the case, you need to look at the whole writing (movement, form and space) to make an accurate interpretation. Grapho-analysis is a little easier to learn and is important to know. However, in my opinion, it is not sufficient enough to analyze a person's writing in depth.


I have studied both sciences and although I consider myself a graphologist, a knowledge of both graphology and graphoanalysis is a must.


Q15: What Does it Mean if My Signature Looks Different Than the Rest of My Writing?


A: Often times people’s signatures look different than the rest of their writing because they practice writing their signature in order to consciously   project a certain image to the world. The signature shows how  you would like to be seen by others.  The text of your writing shows who you really are. If your signature looks a lot different than the rest of your writing then you may either appear more confident (your signature is larger than the text ) or less confident (your signature is smaller than the text) in public than you actually are.


Q16: Do You Analyze the Writing of a Right-handed Person the Same Way as a Left-handed Person?


A:  I believe that slight allowances should be made when analyzing the writing of a left handed person because they live in a right handed world and often times have to adapt accordingly.


Q17: Are There "Positive" and "Negative" Traits in Handwriting?


A: Personally, I prefer to abstain from making value judgments; remember, nothing is good or bad, it just is. If something is in the handwriting, then it is there for a reason. However, there are some specific indicators that you look for in a handwriting that point either toward a more positive or negative orientation.


Q18: Is Handwriting Analysis Considered an Invasion of Privacy?


A: No, in this case, the law is on the side of the handwriting expert. In 1973, in United States v. Mara. 410 U.S. 19, 41 LW 4185, The supreme court ruled: "Handwriting, like speech, is repeatedly shown to the public and there is no more expectation of privacy in the physical characteristics of a persons script than there is in the tone of the voice."


The Supreme Court, in 1977, in United States v. Sydney Rosinsky (FRP249), also ruled: "What someone's handwriting looks like is considered public information -- similar to, for example, how someone dresses or their body language, and the psychological analysis that can be extracted from the information is not considered an invasion of privacy."


Q19: Do Companies & Businesses Use Handwriting Analysis for Employee Screening?


A: Yes they do. Since the lie detector test (polygraph machine) was outlawed as a possible employee screening tool in the United States in 1988, the services of handwriting analyst’s has been growing in popularity by major corporations.


Q20: Can Handwriting Reveal if a Person is Honest or Dishonest?


A: There is no single trait that indicates honesty or dishonesty. However, there are several traits, that when present in certain combinations give us clues about a person's level of integrity.


Q21: Can You Tell if a Person is Dangerous by His or Her Handwriting?


A: A combination of certain traits can warn of possible criminal tendencies, but handwriting cannot reveal whether a person has or will commit a crime. For example, if you have ever seen a sample of Charles Manson's very disturbed handwriting, then even the layperson could look at it and immediately know that he is an unstable person. However, if you looked at the handwriting of serial killer Ted Bundy, you would not immediately say, "This man is a serial killer," although signs of criminal tendencies are in his writing. 


By definition, a person isn't a criminal until they have been convicted of a crime. A person may have the potential for criminal behavior, but may never act on it. 


Q22: What  Does it Mean if a Person Writes the Same They Were Taught in Elementary School?

A: It means that they have a very conventional personality and most likely prefer to follow rather than lead.  The more a person's writing varies from the model they were taught, the more their principles and standard of conduct move away from the conventional model of the world they were taught as children.  Changes from schoolbook writing also indicates personal growth and development.


Q23: Can You Analyze Handwriting in any Language?

A: Yes, any properly trained handwriting expert can analyze writing in a foreign language.  The elements of movement, form and space, which the gestalt approach is based upon, applies universally. However, this is not always easy and it helps to be familiar with the Countries alphabet and schoolbook style. Anyone that tells you that writing in another language can not be analyzed is a false teacher.


Q24: Can Changing my Handwriting Really Change my Life & Personality?

A: Yes, you can correct your bad habits and build up your character by changing your handwriting through a technique called Grapho-Therapy; which has proven results.  An article was even written about it in Time Magazine. It is one of the least known, but most effective and cutting edge self-improvement techniques on the market. 


Graphotherapy is so effective because your handwriting stems from your subconscious mind which is highly receptive to suggestion. Therefore, when you consciously change traits in your writing through continuous repetition, you give a forceful suggestion to the subconscious mind to change the corresponding personality trait. If you are persistent enough, the command is guaranteed to be obeyed by the subconscious mind. Graphotherapy is very effective with children because their handwriting, just like their character, is still in the formative stage. 


Q25: Can a Person Make a Living Using Handwriting Analysis?

A: Handwriting analysis is like any business; if you can fill a need, know your target market and have the ability to sell yourself, then you can write your own ticket.   There is ample job opportunities for handwriting experts who are properly trained.


Q26: What Kind of Fields Can I Use Handwriting Analysis in?


Business: You can help large companies and small businesses avoid hiring poorly adjusted, dishonest and incompetent employees.


Compatibility: All types of relationships, both personal and professional, can be entered into with greater clarity and understanding. Newlyweds and spouses can understand one another better and thus make their union stronger. Business associates looking for partners can avoid getting involved with a poor prospect.


Psychiatry: Since many forms of neurosis can be ascertained from a handwriting sample, this makes it an ideal diagnostic tool. It aids the therapist in getting to the root of a person's problems. The therapist can also monitor changes in their patients handwriting to help determine his/her level of progress.  


Self-knowledge:  Since the relationship you have with yourself is the most important relationship you will ever have; you can enlighten people and help them spiritually evolve. 


Criminology:  You can aid the police, FBI and businesses in narrowing down the suspects and in some cases, nabbing the suspect. Handwriting cannot tell if a person is guilty, however it can help determine if a person has the potential to commit a particular type of crime. Also, when there are many people under investigation, handwriting analysis can help narrow down the suspects. 


Jury Selection: You can help lawyers win their cases by picking a jury that will be sympathetic to their client's case.  


Vocational Guidance: You can point people in the best direction career wise based upon the strengths of their career aptitudes.


Graphotherapy: By learning graphotherapy you can help people increase their level of self-esteem, concentration, discipline and organizational skills by making specific changes in the way they write. This works especially well with children since their character is still in the process of being formed.